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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"WFMW" : The Family Clean-up

  I love the weekends!  We celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday; which is a whole day of family fun, rest, and worship.  On Sunday, we usually check-off a task on our "to do" list, and then fellowship with other believers at church. 

     But, every good thing must come to an end.  And to me, "the end" is Sunday night.  I look around the house, which by that point has gotten very messy, and I begin to dread Monday morning.  I have a pretty structured cleaning schedule during the week, but I do the bare minimum during the weekend so that I can spend every spare minute with my family.  So, on Mondays, I am usually greeted by a big mess!

     Therefore, I invented the "Family 10 minute clean-up".  On Sunday night, everyone is given a task to complete and we all get to work.  With everyone working, we can clean up a lot in a little bit of time. 

At the end, if we all worked hard, we gather to have dessert and pray for the week ahead as a family.  The dessert offers motivation to the girls.  It is such a nice way to end the weekend! 

What about you?  How do you prepare for the week ahead?

This post is part of " Works for Me Wednesday".


  1. Dessert following cleanup is a good idea. Hmmm.

  2. I hear ya on the monday morning "dread". I do a "5-minute" pick up before we leave for school each day (when I remember ; )) It really does make a difference though instead of everyone leaving the house like a cyclone just went through.

  3. I start singing the clean up song every night and my boys (3 & 1.5 years old) start humming along while they help clean up. It really does make a huge difference with just a little bit of time.

    I look forward to family clean up times with dessert after as my kiddos get older :)
